What’s New with the M?

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The M Transit has several new updates to enhance the rider experience, and we’re excited to share those with you. With nearly $3 million in local and federal funding, the M is undergoing its first large-scale upgrade in more than a decade! According to M Transit General Manager Sam Tensley, the M’s aim with these updates is to “meet the needs of the people with better service and better equipment.”

Here are some of the new features you’ll experience:

New buses

The M Transit upgrade includes five new 26-passenger buses and two new 20-passenger buses. These buses will be placed on the M Transit’s fixed routes rotation to replace some of the older buses. Three additional buses are expected by the beginning of 2024, totaling eight new buses for the M’s standard routes. The M also plans to increase the frequency of buses on its fixed routes to shorten wait times for passengers. All buses are 100% accessible and ADA-compliant.

Micro transit shuttles

The upgrade also includes three new microtransit executive style shuttles. Starting in July 2023, the M will utilize these shuttles in a new on-demand reservation service that runs passengers between downtown and Montgomery Regional Airport. These routes will provide more coverage throughout Montgomery to engage areas where the fixed routes might not cover. This system will have its own app and reservation service. Shuttles are also 100% accessible and ADA-compliant.

Updated infrastructure

The M will also be making major renovations to its two transfer facilities in Montgomery and adding more transit stops along their fixed routes.

The M’s Transit Development Plan has several other updates and enhancements to improve the user experience and increase ridership. With new buses, the new micro-transit shuttle, updated infrastructure, and other enhancements, the M Transit is breaking transportation barriers for all citizens and visitors of Montgomery!

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