How Public Transit Seeks To Transform The Conversation On Sustainability
It’s no secret that sustainability and environmental consciousness has taken the forefront of the conversation throughout the nation. High gas prices have reignited the debate over the country’s dependence on fossil fuels in both the private and business sectors, leading many to seek innovative and alternative transit options. Currently, private vehicle usage accounts for over 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions yearly, causing elevated air pollution levels throughout most metropolitan areas. In an effort to combat global warming, many cities are taking the initiative to invest in and promote public transit as a means to mitigate the rising emissions crisis.
Public transit has long contributed to environmental sustainability by offering a means of transportation for a large number of people while emitting only a fraction of the pollutants produced through private vehicle options. Although environmental protection was not an original goal of the transportation sector, it is now embraced and used as a guide for creating additional sustainable opportunities that positively impact local communities.
With the emergence of hybrid and electric vehicles, public transit faced a dilemma, keep up or get left behind. Many agencies have developed plans to create a fleet of electric or hybrid transit vehicles, leading to the removal of even greater atmospheric emissions. Even transit agencies unable to renovate or purchase new vehicles are taking steps to reduce their emissions even further.
The Public Transit Example
When looking toward the future, public transit plays an important role, setting an example of sustainable and practical innovations with real-world implications. In our post-pandemic world, America is in a prime position to move away from fossil-fuel dependency, but that is an unachievable goal without offering transportation alternatives that align with the needs of commuters.
By referencing public transit, engineers and environmentalists can come together to develop common-sense transportation reform that increases travel accessibility rather than limiting it. Additionally, we can look to public transit as a guide for obtaining affordable commute options for the masses. Pairing sustainability and affordability with accessibility opens doors we never imagined possible.
Looking Toward The Future
With eyes toward the future, public transit stands to be the guidepost for creating impactful and sustainable transportation reform. Drawing inspiration from fleets in operation and implementing up-and-coming technological advances means new and improved transit capabilities are on the horizon. However, as critical as these changes are to the planet’s future, enacting them will take time. To change the public outlook, we must begin promoting public transit in new and exciting ways, opening minds to the benefits of utilizing this incredible form of transportation.
At The Montgomery Transit, we believe in the power public transit has to positively impact individual lives and the environment. We seek to provide the citizens of Montgomery, Alabama, with sustainable and reliable transportation options that help decrease local emissions and increase public environmental awareness. Through innovative technology, environmental education, and affordable transit opportunities, The Montgomery Transit seeks to transform the transportation sector, creating a brighter, more sustainable future for all.